Accepting Mobile payments
Pay Here, Pay There, Pay Anywhere

Meet the new Clover® Go
So whether you’re going around your store or will, in general, bring matters into the field, Clover® Go Contactless Reader is your go-to POS for secure card swipes, plunges and taps like Apple Pay®, Samsung Pay™, and Android Pay™. It additionally offers huge numbers of the equivalent modern quality payment capacities and the security as our bigger Clover® gadgets.
Regardless of how your client is paying — EMV® chip, swipe, or with their cell phone, Clover® Go can take it.
Your business on the go
This modest gadget is pressed with plausibility. With the Clover® Go arrangement you get natural covering deals action, business bits of knowledge, sales activity reporting, and the sky is the limit from there.
Always Connected
Clover® Go cooperates with other Clover® gadgets. Open a request from some other Clover® POS and close it out on your Clover® Go.
Connect wirelessly
The new Clover® Go sets with your cell phone through a Bluetooth® association making it completely perfect with the new mobile device.
End to End Security
From the second a card is acknowledged, entirely through the exchange procedure, you and your clients information is secured.
Tips & Taxes
Set custom rate sums for tips and make different assessment rates for the things you sell.
Paperless Receipts
With Clover® you can also contribute to the environment by generating the papeless receipts and directly send them to the customers inbox via mail or text.

Clover® Flex. A Portable POS
Out of the case, it offers swipe, EMV chip and contactless payments like Apple Pay. Furthermore, it just shows signs of improvement from that point.
Work the floor, bust the line, or take your business out and about. There are numerous highlights, incorporating an inherent camera, standardized tag scanner, receiver, SIM card, and represent the ledge, just to give some examples.
Swipe & EMV Chip
The Clover® Mobile is as incredible as it is smooth. The lightweight impression won't hoard your counter space, or any work space so far as that is concerned. Include a stand and let it sit on your counter as your POS that moves with you.
Need a fundamental terminal? Possibly something that gives you more choices? The Mobile can do both. Simply include more POS segments and capacities varying, similar to worker time clock, client following, and the sky is the limit from there.
Mobile OS Supported
The Clover® is completely supported by the mobile OS so that you can connect it with your mobile device. You can do multi operations like accounting, inventory, marketing, gift cards and other via one to do app over Clover®.
Clover® Flex
Handy in size, Clover® Flex is worked to work together at whatever point you are. Simple to take with you and simple to hand to clients. They can plunge, swipe, tap, enter pin and sign, regardless of whether at the table or in the path. With an implicit receipt printer and scanner, Clover® Flex conveys a definitive adaptability.

Accept all payments
Clover® flex is made to accept all payments via credit, debit, EMV chip cards, NFC payments, Apple pay, Android pay, Gift cards and cash
User-friendly interface
Start taking orders with minimal training. Moreover with an easy interface it helps the users to execute the device with low or minimal training.
Signature on the Spot
The Clover® Flex acknowledges electronic marks, and messages and messages receipts. What's more, it stores everything for you which implies no more heaps of paper receipts, making things much simpler in case of a chargeback.
Manage your inventory
A long way from your standard POS frameworks, Clover® Flex includes an inherent camera and standardized tag scanner, so you can check things into stock right away.
Stay connected
Remote 3G capacity lets you take payments anyplace out and about – or use WiFi closer to home. You can likewise take payments when your association is down. Clover® will run the payments when you're back on the web.
Robust inventory support
Clover® Flex keeps your inventory well-organized with categories, labels, modifiers and other variants.
Pricing options available
Every Merchant must know about these three most common pricing patterns.
Interchange Plus
Simply the best one out there. Reason? Transparency: It empowers the Merchant to know exactly how much their processor makes each month. The processors might use various tricks to persuade you for opting any other type of pricing, but there is no better alternative than this one.
Words like Qualified, Mid Qualified, Non Qualified, and Surcharges are the red flags that you must look out for. If these exist on your statement, you don’t have Interchange-Plus. Immediately contact us for a review.
If by any chance, you do have Interchange-Plus pricing, your Processor might still be wasting thousands of your dollars by not monitoring your interchange diligently. To know the way out, contact us immediately.

Tiered Pricing
Perennially bad for merchants. This pricing in not transparent. The statement this pricing includes blurs the line between what Mastercard, Discover, Visa and American Express charge. Also, what goes to the Credit Card Processor is also not clear. The sole purpose of this pricing is to perplex the merchants and increase costs by any means like surcharges, etc. Merchants should keep a distance from processors who sell this type of pricing.
Always be on the lookout for red flags like Qualified, Mid Qualified, Non Qualified or Surcharges. If you find any of these in your statement, you are on Tiered pricing.
You are potentially wasting thousands of dollars with this pricing. Immediately contact us so that we can help you upgrade to Interchange-Plus
Flat Rate Pricing
One of the most liberating things in this world are details. The truth resides in the details. And the truth about Flat Rate pricing is never in the favour of merchants. This pricing is potentially dangerous and can well be draining thousands of dollars from you. Your processor might persuade you with compelling reasons to opt for Flat rate pricing. They would even say that some months, they may actually lose money. But, this is a white lie.
Flat rate statements conceal crucial information that you must know about your Interchange. This information is very important to check whether your interchange is correct. Also there is an added risk of set up being incorrectly done. This can and will (if found to be) expose you to fines from Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express.
Red flags that you should look out for in this case are “Lack of detail”, and/or ”Flat percentage %rate”. If you happen to find any of these in your statement, contact us immediately to set you up for Interchange-Plus

- 8313 Southwest Fwy, Suite # 215, Houston TX 77074, USA
- +1 713-981-6610
About Radiant PSI
Looking for an honest answer to your questions? Looking for answers related to the PCI, PCI fee or more information about the PCI? Want to know why your total cost is high even when your rate is low? Get in touch with Radiant Payment System Inc and get all your queries resolved
RADIANT PSI Is A Registered Independent Sales Organization Of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA
The Clover® Name And Logo Are Owned By Clover® Network, Inc. A Wholly Owned Subsidiary Of First Data Corporation, And Are Registered Or Used In The U.S. And Many Foreign Countries